My name is Hetty, I’m the founder of Leim and the designer behind the ezp™ jumpsuits - jumpsuits you don’t need to take off when you go to the toilet.
I love jumpsuits and wear them all the time. But I just couldn’t understand why the most amazing piece of clothing was so impractical.
I’ve made my own clothes and adapted things I’ve bought since I was young. Although I’ve not been to fashion school, I understand technical design and how fabric can change how you feel about yourself and your body.
The impracticality of jumpsuits annoyed me so much that I set out to change them for the better.
Fast forward to now - we have 2 styles: the Sisterhood & the Bringing Sexy Back.
I’ll be announcing the Kickstarter launch shortly, but in the meantime, start deciding which ezp™ jumpsuit you want ;)
Hetty xx

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